Malik Mullino Retired Marine & CEO Jadeite Assets LLC
He is a native of Oceanside California and enlisted in the Marine Corps in Jan of 1993 and was assigned as a AV-8B Harrier Avionics Technician . He attended all required Marine Corps Resident Professional Military Education (PME) Courses, Army Airborne School, Amphibious Warfighting Schools Phase I & II, Senior Enlisted Joint PME I & II, Navy Senior Enlisted Joint PME I & II, Navy Senior Enlisted Academy, Asian Pacific Orientation Course, Keystone and has a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science from SDSU.
US Entering a Crucial Period of Naval Power check out complete article on Here
Malik Mullino Retired Marine & CEO Jadeite Assets LLC — YouTube
June 1993 — Sept. 1997
Avionics Technician with Marine Attack Squadron — 211
Jan. 2002 — June 2003
Avionics Division Chief with Marine Attack Squadron-214
June 2003 — Jan. 2004
Battery First Sergeant with 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines
Jan. 2004 — Feb. 2007
Company First Sergeant with 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
Dec. 2009 — Nov. 2011
Sergeant Major for 1st Reconnaissance Battalion
May 2016-April 2018
Sergeant Major for 3d Marine Aircraft Wing